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Charaktere Baldurs Gate

To go back during character creation, press the up arrow at the bottom left of the screen.

Charaktere Baldurs Gate. This baldur's gate 3 character creation guide takes a deep dive into creating. The baldur's gate 3 companions, at least at the moment, are the origin characters that you can't currently play as.

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A page for describing characters: I've compiled a list of all the characters who can join your six man (or woman). When you are in the character generation section follow the steps below.

So here are your options and some things to consider before you roll a new character and.

Diese 16 bieten ein breites spektrum aller benötigten klassen. Baldurs gate main party members. It is the first game in the baldur's gate series and takes place in the forgotten realms, a high fantasy campaign setting. The original baldur's gate saga boasted many iconic, unforgettable characters, and there's a good chance some will pop up in baldur's gate 3.

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