Baldurs Gate 2 Charaktere. These are the abilities you supposedly gained in baldur's gate. If you accept a seventh npc, baldurs gate 2 will simply ask you to remove one of the current ones to make room.
Companions can also be selected in the character creation screen as origins. Race {dnd004} 3.1 class restrictions by race{dnd005} 3.2 human {dnd006} 3.3 elf {dnd007}. The list includes basic information like class and alignment, as well as starting.
If you accept a seventh npc, baldurs gate 2 will simply ask you to remove one of the current ones to make room.
More information about baldur's gate: Some will join you quite easily with only the exchange of a few words, while others may require you to fulfill your promise of helping them pursue their goals before they come to the decision of longtime commitment. Don't remove characters you're romancing, as it kills the romance and one of the few flaws in baldur's gate 2 is that the characters act hurt and upset if you remove them from the party. + companions or origins in baldur's gate 3 are special npcs that can be recruited to join the player's party, they usually aid the player during combat this page covers a list of all the companions that can be found in the game.